Our team of caregivers give Personalized Care
Dr Elizabeth Reed
Specialist Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr Jeremy Stone
Consultant Psychiatrist
Melanie Duncan
Registered Psychologist
Offering supervisory consultations at OPTIMIND.
Supervisory Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Barton's role at OPTIMIND underscores her dedication to fostering the next generation of psychologists through mentorship and supervision. Her approach is characterised by empathy and a non-judgmental stance, principles she imparts to those she supervises. Her special interest in complex mental health conditions and her work with Monash Hospital's Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Unit reflect her holistic view of patient care.
Dr Marion Barton has expertise in clinical psychology, focusing on emotional and eating disorders. Dr. Marion Barton brings a wealth of experience and a doctoral level of education to her supervisory role at Optimind. Her aim is to enhance the quality of care through her guidance and oversight.
Dr. Barton's commitment to her field extends beyond patient care, impacting the broader clinical psychology community through her supervisory role. Her holistic, evidence-based approach and specialization in managing complex conditions make her an invaluable asset to OPTIMIND and the field at large.
Dr Marion Barton